Here's Killah Kitty!

Here's Killah Kitty!

Billah's kitty sibling, Killah, who has ideas about everything in her world! She, unlike her sister, loves hiding. Strictly indoor kitties, they have active lives, breakfast and then a nap before leaping onto a windowsill for their neighborhood watch and the another nap. A bit later she will very covertly leap onto her cat condo "tree" convinced that she is hidden  by the leaves. Killah and Billah will wander into the kitchen, waiting. Not sure what they wait for but they do like watching their people (judging?). After dinner and some time watching a cat video on youtube for cats, swatting idly at the squirrels and birds on the screen, they will get under the bed covers, tucked in tight. Cuddly silly girls!
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